Although rewarding, parenting can be an incredibly difficult responsibility, especially when your child has behavioral or emotional challenges. As a family-focused counseling service, we work with both parents and children to handle an array of issues.
- Parenting
- Adoption
- Family reunification
- At-risk middle school students
- Childhood behavioral issues and bullying
- Delinquency prevention and intervention
- Child abuse prevention and intervention
- School-based counseling
Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Fortunately, Dupont Counseling Group is an affordable and dependable resource for family counseling in Jacksonville. We can connect you with a family therapist who can help with a wide variety of problems that may affect your children, such as eating disorders, behavioral issues, depression or anxiety, the effects of bullying, and general family communication. We also provide direct support for parents, including co-parenting classes offered at intervals throughout the year. Court appointed parenting classes are often required by the courts to navigate parenting through divorce, but it’s available to everyone who wants to benefit from helpful strategies. Our parent courses are designed to help you to understand the impact of relationship endings, recognize the importance of shared parenting, learn skills for coparenting* with a difficult ex, identify strategies for communicating with children, understand new family dynamics and gain awareness of the legal components involved. Call to find when our next parenting class is offered or to make an appointment with a qualified counselor for private therapy.